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Cost Center Hierarchy


  • SAP's cost center hierarchy is a tiered structure that groups cost centers within a controlling area, commonly referred to as the standard hierarchy.

  • The hierarchy can be customized based on a company's needs, such as: Areas of responsibility, Functional requirements, Allocation criteria, and Geographic locations.

  • Cost centers can be grouped together to provide summary cost information. A cost center hierarchy consists of nodes and sub-nodes that cost centers are attached to.

Main Constituents of Cost Center Hierarchy:

Hierarchy Structure:

  • The cost centers are organized in a hierarchical structure. This structure can be multi-level, starting with the top-level cost center group and branching out into sub-groups and individual cost centers.

  • The hierarchy allows for grouping similar cost centers together, enabling more efficient cost management and reporting.

Standard Hierarchy:

  • In SAP S/4HANA, each controlling area requires a single default cost center hierarchy. This serves as the main framework for reporting and planning activities within that controlling area.

  • The primary hierarchy is compulsory, and every cost center within a controlling area must be linked to it.

Cost Center Groups:

  • These are classifications or assemblies of cost centers with shared features or operating within the same business domain. Cost center groups enable the structuring and aggregation of data for informed decision-making and reporting.

Cost Center:

  • These are distinct entities within an organization where expenses are generated. Each cost center usually corresponds to a specific division, initiative, or activity, such as HR, IT, manufacturing, or marketing

Reporting and Analysis:

  • The hierarchy supports cost reporting and analysis at various tiers, from the organizational level to discrete cost centers.

  • It facilitates insight into cost allocation, reveals opportunities for cost reduction, and enables data-driven decision-making.

Integration with Other Modules:

  • The cost center hierarchy is seamlessly linked with other SAP S/4HANA modules, including Financial Accounting (FI), Production Planning (PP), and Human Resources (HR), facilitating precise cost tracking and reporting throughout the organization.

How to Create Center Hierarchy:

Access the Transaction Code:

  • Transaction Code: Utilize the transaction code KS01 to establish a cost center or KSH1 to set up a cost center group (hierarchical structure).

  • Alternatively, you can navigate to these options through the SAP Fiori Launchpad, within the "Cost Center Accounting" module.

Create the Standard Hierarchy:

  • Go to the Standard Hierarchy Creation:

  • Use the transaction OKEON to maintain the standard hierarchy for cost centers.

  • Alternatively, use SPRO to access the configuration path as below:

  • SPRO > Controlling > Cost Center Accounting > Master Data > Standard Hierarchy > Maintain Standard Hierarchy

  • Define the Standard Hierarchy:

  • Enter the name of the controlling area.

  • Establish the hierarchy framework by generating nodes and sub-nodes, symbolizing various tiers of cost centers.

  • Each node can encompass one or multiple cost centers or clusters of cost centers.

Create the Cost Center Group (Optional):

  • Transaction Code: KSH1 (Create Cost Center Group):

  • Utilize transaction code KSH1 to establish cost center groups, enabling the categorization of cost centers into distinct clusters within the hierarchy.

  • Designate a name for the cost center group and allocate it to the corresponding node within the hierarchical structure.

  • Assign Cost Centers to Groups:

  • Following the creation of the groups, you can associate existing cost centers with these classifications.

  • This task can be executed either directly within the same transaction or subsequently using the same menu path.

Create Cost Center:

  • Transaction Code: KS01 (Create Cost Center):

  • Utilize transaction code KS01 to establish individual cost centers within the hierarchical structure.

  • Provide the required information, including cost center ID, description, validity dates, and responsible person.

  • Assign to Hierarchy:

  • When configuring a cost center, link it to the suitable node within the hierarchical structure. This confirms the cost center is correctly located within the organizational setup.

Verify and Save the Hierarchy:

  • Review the Hierarchy:

  • Once the cost centers and groups are created, review the hierarchy structure to ensure everything is organized correctly.

  • Save and Activate:

  • Save the hierarchy structure and activate it. The hierarchy is now available for reporting, planning, and cost management.

Maintain the Hierarchy (As Needed):

  • You can always modify the hierarchy later by adding or removing cost centers or groups, changing assignments, or adjusting the structure as your organization evolves.