Non Valuated Stock
Materials that are kept in inventory but don't have a value (they don't have a cost or value in the financial accounts)
Materials like samples, promotional items, or materials provided by a vendor on a consignment basis where ownership has not yet been transferred.
Create a material master record
Material type: UNBW (Non-valuated Material)
Accounting View: Valuation Class linked to non-valuated stock, without automatic posting to GL
Plant Data and Storage 1 TAB: No Valuation Checkbox
Price Control: Either S (standard price) or V (moving average price). Both are not relevant
Purchasing TAB: procurement type as F (External Procurement)
Plant and Storage Location
Allow for the management of non-valuated stock
Configure the relevant settings in the customization (SPRO) related to inventory management
Purchase Order
• A purchase order for non-valuated items is made, with K (consignment) as the item category.
Goods Receipt & Invoice
Movement type supports non-valuated stocks
501 (Goods receipt without purchase order for non-valuated stock)
561 (Initial stock entry for non-valuated stock)
Follows standard MIGO & MIRO process
List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand (MB52)
Stock Overview (MMBE)