SAP Knowledge Base

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Consignment Process


  • The consignment process allows companies to provide goods to customers.

  • Instead, ownership remains with the supplier until the customer consumes or sells the goods.

  • Unsold goods can be returned to the vendor.


a) Consignment Fill up:

  • Goods are sent to the customer, but ownership is retained by the company.

  • The stock will be reduced from unrestricted stock and added to consignment stock.

b) Consignment Issue:

  • When the customer sold the goods, the stock will be reduced from consignment stock.

c) Consignment Return:

  • If the customer returns unsold goods, the stock will be added back to consignment stock.

d) Consignment Pick up:

  • If request to take back the consignment stock, then we do consignment pick up.

  • The stock will reduce from consignment stock and added back to unrestricted stock.

