Customer Material Info Record


  • In cases when consumers place orders using their own material number, we use CMIR.

  • CMIR links our material code and the customer's material code, allowing the system to automatically identify our material code when the customer's number is entered during a sales order creation.

  • Transaction codes are:

  • Create VD51

  • Change VD52

  • Display VD53

“Easy Access > Logistics > Sales & Distribution > Master Data> Agreements > Customer Material Info > Create VD51”

  • CMIR is stored in the KNMT table in SAP

Example Use Case:

  • For example, suppose a customer refers to a material that has an internal number of M-101 but a customer number is 123-001. SAP recognizes that the order for 123-001 corresponds to M-001 in your system when the customer places it using the Customer Material Information Record.



Pricing Procedure


Material Master