Enterprise Structure and Assignments
The enterprise structure is the framework that defines how a business operates.
Enterprise structure is an organizational unit that is mapped into SAP.
Organizational Units:
Company Code: (OX02)
It is responsible for managing all of the company's external financial transactions. It is a 4-digit code.
For Example: Balance sheet and Profit & Loss.
Sales Organization: (OVX5)
It is responsible for all company sales and services. It is a 4-digit code.
For Example: North, South, West
Distribution Channel: (OVXI)
It is a way of distributing goods to end customers. It is a 2-digit code.
For Example: Dealer, Distributor, Wholesaler and Retailer.
Division: (OVXB)
Division is a range of products or product line. A division is a 2-digit code.
For Example: Car Engines, Car Tires, Car Maintenance Service.
Sales Line:
The combination of sales organization and distribution channel is called as sales line.
Sales Area:
A sales area is a combination of sales organization, Distributor channel and Division.
Sales Office: (OVX1)
It is a physical location where group of people work together to perform sale. Sales office is a 4-digit codes.
For Example: Chennai, Mumbai, and Delhi
Sales Group: (OVX4)
Group of people within a sales office working for different activities. Sales group is a 3-digits code.
For Example: Hatchbacks Sales Group and SUV Sales Group.
Plant: (OX10)
It is a physical location where we do the process of manufacturing finished goods. A plant is 4-digit code.
For Example: Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi
Storage location: (OX09)
It is a physical location where we store the goods within plant. Storage location is 4-digit code.
For Example: Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi.
Shipping point: (OVL2)
It is a physical location where we do the process of loading the finished goods into trucks for dispatching it to customers. Shipping point is 4-digit code.
Depot is a physical location where we store finished goods to easy distribution goods to customer.
Carry & Forward:
It is a physical location where we store the finished goods for easy distributing goods to customers. Owned by third party Vendor.
Assign Sales Organization to Company code: (OVX3)
Assign Distribution channel to Sales Organization: (OVXK)
Assign Division to Sales Organization: (OVXA)
Setup Sales Area: (OVXG)
Assign Sales Office to Sales area: (OVXM)
Assign Sales Group to Sales Office: (OVXJ)
Assign Sales Organization/Distribution Channel to Plant: (OVX6)